Managing Property Waste the Smart Way with Mobile Skips

by | Mar 22, 2021 | News and Articles

Running multiple or even a single property translates to lots of profits, human resources, and property waste. However, should handling such rubbish become a headache for you? With Mobile Skips, you can easily manage massive amounts of garbage that are generated on any property.

From household rubbish to light construction site waste, we’ll take the burden off your shoulders through our immaculate approach. Read on to understand how we can make property management less tedious for you.

Types Of Property Waste

We Australians generate loads of property and construction waste every year. Additionally, if you’re a property owner, you’ll be dealing with various types of wastes pertaining to the real estate world.

It’s not restricted to wear and tear or depreciation in the value of your amenities. Hence, before we manage this waste, let us first understand the various types of property waste.

Voluntary Waste

When you decide to hand over or lease your property off to tenants, you must prepare for certain unwarranted situations. Be it damage to your gardens, living area, offices or natural resources.

These actions are termed voluntary by law, as the intention here is to misuse your property deliberately. Moreover, you’ll find that tenants or occupants will damage the fixtures, furniture or cut down the trees.

Not only will these actions incur undesirable expenditures, but they also create waste. Sometimes residents will also treat the property as their own and harvest the minerals you have complete rights over.

Permissive Waste

You can also call this waste passive waste due to inactivity on the tenant’s part. Often, tenants neglect the maintenance instructions and don’t follow through on the instructions you give them. As a result, they end up damaging your property and its integrity as well.

This damage can be to the AC ducts, parking, or other property parts, especially during the winter season. Additionally, you will incur repair costs and also have to demolish and reconstruct these sections. That is where you’ll generate waste, and we’ll come to your aid.

Beneficial Or Ameliorative Waste

As a property contractor or owner, you’ll never want any permanent alterations to your property, even if they’re for the better. Thus, it’s considered a waste if the tenants make permanent changes without prior permission from you.

Hence, you have all the rights to claim damages and demand that these changes be reversed. These can be any additional constructions or even changes to your property’s structure and components.

Some Helpful Property Management Tips

Seeing the types of property waste that can occur, you must be proactive and prepare to handle these with finesse. To combat this, we recommend planned maintenance and preventive schedule for property management.

You can also maintain a systematic record of the property conditions before you lease it out. Moreover, this will help in claiming damages and even in evaluating and predicting any repair requirements.

How Mobile Skips Manages Property Waste

Being the innovative rubbish removers that we are, we have the perfect property waste solutions for you. Our new and innovated Skip Bins are designed for maximum efficiency.

Moreover, we’ll accept all kinds of waste generated on your property, barring a few highly toxic ones. Here are the details for your understanding.

Household Rubbish

When people occupy your property, it’s expected that they’ll produce a significant quantum of household rubbish. Additionally, since you’re the owner, the onus of ridding the property of this waste falls on you.

The following are the household wastes Mobile Skips will gladly take off your hands. You must know these so that you can discard them using separate bins.


We’ll smartly collect old, broken and non-functional furniture off your property and dispose of it responsibly. Often furniture is recyclable. Hence, we’ll ensure that whatever can be reused or recycled will not go to waste.

Moreover, we accept all kinds of metal, wooden or other types of furniture. That will be not only hassle-free but also cost-effective for you.

Clothes and Household Junk

It’s natural that when people reside on your property, they’ll throw away clothes and other basic solid junk. These include dry food items and plastic, among other things. However, you can’t expect your tenants to segregate these items and dispose of them in separate bins.

Hence, Mobile Skips will readily take on that task once we collect these items off your property. Additionally, we’ll ensure that the reusable clothing items are donated and put to noble use.

You may also check out our article about managing the deceased estate.

Office Material

Office material such as papers, metals, packaging materials and furniture are highly recyclable. It’s also understandable that you can’t segregate these on priority, so you must hand them over to us.

You can put in all types of non-hazardous office waste items in our new Skip bins. This way, you can focus on business and leave the sorting, recycling and disposing to us.

White Products

We all break a fair share of crockery and household appliances, but these are often tricky to dispose of responsibly. Here we come to the rescue, and you can hand white products and household appliances to us separately.

However, we ask you to wrap these up to avoid accidents and don’t put in broken mirrors and glass. Rest assured, your ceramic will be recycled and disposed of legally.

Green Waste

As mentioned earlier, you’ll be dealing with a considerable amount of organic or green waste. Not only due to the residents’ actions but also owing to the maintenance of your gardens. Hence, you can throw shrubs, twigs, prunings and even heavy tree branches into our bins.

Additionally, we’ll also dispose of dry food and landscaping waste like weed and grass clippings and light vegetable produce for you. This way, you can effortlessly keep your property prim and proper and leave the cleanliness to us.

Construction Waste

Demolition and construction are part and parcel of property management, generating a lot of commercial renovation wastes. To cater to this, you can freely put in items such as windows, furniture, cabinetry in our bins.

We also dispose of and recycle light items such as doors, plasterboards and flooring waste as well. Additionally, you can handsome heavy storage items to our friendly operators and avoid doing the heavy lifting yourself.

Waste That We Don’t Accept

Even though we cater to the disposal of a wide variety of waste items, there are a few types that we do not accept. It’s because these waste items are hazardous, and the norms for their disposal are strictly regulated. Therefore, you must avoid putting in the following items.

  • Broken or leaking items like mirrors, glass and liquids.
  • E-waste such as electronic items or items with batteries needs to be carefully dismantled.
  • Toxic waste like poisons, chemicals, asbestos, paint and biological waste.
  • Large-sized appliances such as refrigerators and ovens.
  • Heavy construction items such as concrete, bricks, sand and soil.

What Sets Mobile Skips Apart?

Apart from our top-notch customer services and friendly operators, we have reinvented our skip bins. We believe our old containers were not up to your standards as they were expensive and often damaged the recyclable material. Hence, we’ve smartened them up.

The improved Skip bins are mobile and lockable and twice the size of the mini-skip bins. Additionally, they’re on wheels and designed to fit compact spaces as well. The cherry on top is, you can easily book our flexible and environmentally friendly services, with a 3-hour same-day delivery across Australia.


It’s extremely crucial for everyone, especially if you’re into real estate or property management, to dispose of waste properly. Moreover, there’s been a dramatic rise in waste fires in Australia. Hence, you must do your part with utmost sincerity or hand this task over to us.

With the services of Mobile Skips, waste management does not have to be stressful. Reach out to us and rid your life and properties of this rubbish smartly yet responsibly!


Waste management services are never hassle-free, especially when your business is dependant on the waste produced by your tenants. You’ll have to deal with voluntary, permissible, and even beneficial waste, owing to the actions of your tenants. These are in addition to the regular maintenance and household waste. Therefore, Moreover, your waste quantities are something that cannot be subjected to estimation.

Luckily, you can use our waste removal services options that are innovative, friendly, and profitable for you. Moreover, you can put in household waste such as office material, clothes, food waste, and other household items at a reasonable cost. We also help you get rid of green and organic waste like trees and garden waste to save energy for the environment.

Since property management means frequent assessment, demolition, and construction, you can hand over light construction materials and goods of chemicals too. We’ll collect all these items in our practically designed Skip bins and dispose of them through smart methods. Hence, we’ll audit, recycle, reuse, donate and dispose of everything under legal norms regulated by the government.

That being said, our advice is that you must avoid the disposal of certain hazardous and most e-waste items in the Skip bins. That is because they require excessive time, effort, and legalities while being toxic in a landfill.

We’re able to cater to your high standards and environmentally safe methods due to the recent but smart innovations to our Skip bins. Now they are mobile, more extensive, and lockable for proper assessment. Property waste management now seems easy with the right staff, links, and tips, doesn’t it?