How Do I Start Decluttering? A Beginner’s Guide to a Cleaner Home

by | Aug 2, 2024 | Decluttering

How Do I Start Decluttering? A Beginner’s Guide to a Cleaner Home

When you start decluttering your home can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know where to start. However, with the right approach and mindset, you can transform your cluttered space into a cleaner, more organised, and peaceful environment. In this beginner’s guide, we will provide you with practical tips and advice on how to start decluttering and make room for what matters in your home.

Deciding What to Keep When Decluttering

One of the biggest challenges of decluttering is deciding what to keep and what to let go. According to professional organiser and author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” Marie Kondo, the key to decluttering is to keep only the items that “spark joy” in your life. This means that you should only keep items that you love, use, and need, and let go of everything else.

To help you decide what to keep, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I love this item?
  • Do I use this item regularly?
  • Do I need this item?
  • Does this item have sentimental value?
  • Can I easily replace this item if I need it in the future?

If the answer to most of these questions is no, then it’s time to let go of the item. You can donate, sell, or recycle it, depending on its condition and value.

By making mindful decisions about what to keep, you can free up space in your home and make room for the things that truly matter to you.

Home Organisation and Storage Solutions

Once you have decided what to keep, the next step is to organise and store your items in a way that maximises your space and minimises clutter. Here are some tips and ideas for home organisation and storage solutions:

  • Use vertical storage solutions: Utilize shelves, hooks, and baskets to make the most of your wall space and keep your floors clear.
  • Opt for clear storage containers: Store items in plastic bins or jars so you can easily see and access what you need.
  • Label everything: Using labels on your storage containers helps in identifying the contents quickly and keeps things orderly.
  • Choose multi-purpose furniture: Furniture with built-in storage, like a bed with drawers or a storage ottoman, can save space while hiding clutter.
  • Leverage technology: Use a decluttering app or tool to keep yourself on track and motivated. For example, the Clutter-Free app offers step-by-step guides and personalised tips to help you stay organised.

By implementing these storage solutions, you’ll find it easier to maintain a tidy and welcoming home environment.

Starting Room by Room: A Strategic Approach

Beginning the decluttering process room by room helps break the task into manageable sections, making it less overwhelming. Here’s a simple structure to follow:

  1. Bedroom: Start with clothing and then move to drawers and nightstands.
  2. Kitchen: Tackle one cupboard at a time and focus on clearing countertops.
  3. Living Room: Start with visible surfaces and then work on storage units.
  4. Bathroom: Clear out expired products and organise essentials.
  5. Garage/Loft: Focus on sections and categorise items effectively.

By dividing the decluttering process into these specific areas, you’re able to see progress more clearly and stay motivated. For instance, when starting in the bedroom, use techniques from resources like The Spruce to sort through clothing effectively. They recommend categorising items into keep, donate, and discard piles.

This structured approach ensures that you tackle one space at a time, reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed by the entire house at once. Plus, by seeing clear progress in one area, you’ll likely feel encouraged to move on to the next.

Creating a Decluttering Schedule

Consistency is key to successful decluttering. Creating a well-planned schedule can help ensure steady progress and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Here’s how you can craft an effective decluttering schedule:

  • Break it Down: Segment your home into smaller areas or zones. Instead of looking at your home as a whole, focus on individual rooms or even specific parts of rooms (like a bookshelf or a closet).
  • Set Realistic Goals: Determine what you can realistically achieve in a given timeframe. For instance, aim to declutter one drawer or one wardrobe shelf per day.
  • Allocate Specific Times: Dedicate certain times of the day or week for decluttering. This makes the task a part of your routine and ensures you stay consistent. Even committing just 15 minutes per day can make a significant impact over time.
  • Include Breaks: Be sure to schedule breaks. Decluttering can be mentally and physically tiring, so taking regular breaks will help keep you motivated.
  • Revisit Regularly: Set aside time to revisit and refresh each area periodically. Decluttering is not a one-time event but an ongoing process.

Following a structured decluttering schedule ensures you stay on track and avoid the common pitfall of feeling too overwhelmed to start. By incorporating these strategies, you can steadily transform your space and maintain a tidy, organised home.

Mindset and Motivation: Keeping Yourself Inspired

Decluttering isn’t always easy, and maintaining motivation can be tricky. Consider these strategies to keep yourself inspired and committed to the process:

  • Set Clear Goals and Visualise the Desired Outcome: Before you start, take a few moments to envision what your ideal space looks like. Setting clear, achievable goals can help you stay focused and give you a sense of direction.
  • Reward Yourself: Treat yourself after completing particular tasks or milestones. It could be as simple as enjoying a favourite snack, taking a relaxing bath, or watching an episode of your favourite show. Small rewards can be great motivators.
  • Join Online Communities or Involve Friends: Engaging with others on the same journey can be incredibly encouraging. Join online decluttering communities or invite friends to participate with you. Sharing progress, tips, and experiences can make the process more enjoyable and less isolating.
  • Regularly Remind Yourself of the Benefits: Keep in mind the positive effects of a clutter-free space, such as reduced stress and improved focus. Whenever you face difficulties, remind yourself why you started. The benefits of decluttering extend beyond just a cleaner home; it can also lead to a more peaceful and productive life.

By implementing these strategies, you can stay motivated and inspired throughout your decluttering journey. For additional tips on staying motivated, you might find this helpful article from Better Homes and Gardens useful. Happy decluttering!

Sustainable Decluttering: Reducing Future Clutter

To keep your home clutter-free, adopting habits that prevent the build-up of unnecessary items is crucial:

  • Adopt a one-in, one-out rule: Purchase a new item only if you let go of an old one. This helps maintain balance and ensures you’re only bringing in things of purpose or joy.
  • Practise mindful shopping: Avoid impulse buying by considering the necessity and long-term value of an item before making a purchase. Marie Kondo advocates for surrounding yourself with items that spark joy, and this principle applies to new acquisitions as well.
  • Regularly evaluate your belongings: Schedule periodic reviews of what you have to ensure everything is useful or delightful. This way, you prevent accumulation and ensure your space remains functional and enjoyable.

By integrating these habits into your lifestyle, you can significantly reduce future clutter and maintain a tidier, more organised home.

Handling Sentimental Items

Sentimental items can be particularly challenging to declutter. Here’s how to approach them:

  • Limit the space allocated: Designate a specific area or a particular box for sentimental keepsakes. This can help you be more selective about what to keep.
  • Take photos: If you’re not ready to part with certain items, take photographs of them. This way, you’ll have a digital memory without the physical clutter.
  • Cherish the memories: Focus on the memories associated with the item rather than the object itself. This mindset shift can make it easier to let go.
  • Pass on heirlooms: If you have family heirlooms, consider passing them on to other family members who will appreciate and use them. This not only reduces your clutter but also keeps the item within the family.

Engaging with your sentimental items in this way can be both a cathartic and practical approach to decluttering. For more practical strategies and inspiration, check out this insightful piece on Simple Ways to Deal with Sentimental Clutter.

Involving the Whole Family

Decluttering can be made easier and more enjoyable when the whole family is on board:

  • Make it a Collective Activity: Turn decluttering into a fun family project. Assign roles and areas to each member based on their age and abilities. This not only lightens the load but also makes everyone feel included and responsible for the home.
  • Set Up a Responsibility System: Ensure each family member is accountable for a specific area, such as a particular room or even a single drawer. This helps distribute the work evenly and ensures no area is overlooked.
  • Educate and Empower Children: Teaching kids about the benefits of a tidy space can motivate them to keep their areas organised. Simplify their participation by making it a game or challenge—reward small accomplishments to keep them engaged and excited about the process.

By involving the entire family, you’ll create a supportive environment where everyone contributes to and benefits from a cleaner, more organised home. For more tips on how to engage your family in decluttering, check out these helpful suggestions.

Resources and Further Reading

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. There are numerous resources available to help you on your decluttering quest:

  1. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo: This bestseller offers a revolutionary approach to decluttering by focusing on items that “spark joy.” Kondo’s method has inspired millions worldwide.

  2. Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White: Dana provides practical strategies and motivation for those struggling with chronic clutter. The book is filled with relatable anecdotes and actionable advice.

  3. Articles and blogs: Various online platforms offer guidance and tips. For instance, Houzz provides valuable insights and real-life examples of successful decluttering and organising projects.

By following these steps and creating a sustainable decluttering routine, you can transform your home into a peaceful, organised space that truly serves you and your family.