Here are 6 of the Hardest Rooms to Clean in Australian Households

by | Aug 2, 2024 | Decluttering

Many Aussies often ask “which rooms are the hardest to clean?”. We’ve searched across many platforms on the web to find which household rooms are the hardest rooms to clean. Here’s are the top rooms that most Australian households find hard to clean. 

1. The Living Room: Dust and Disorder

Central Gathering Spot

The living room is often a focal point for family activities, leading to heavy use and potential clutter. Pet hair, dust, and general disorder can make cleaning this room a significant task.

Quick Cleaning Hacks

  • Frequent Dusting: Regular dusting of surfaces, including electronics and furniture, can make a big difference.
  • Furniture Arrangements: Efficiently arrange furniture to make vacuuming easier.
  • Decluttering Routine: Allocate regular time to sort through magazines, toys, and other items. For more decluttering tips, you can visit Mobile Skips which offers great advice on maintaining an organised space.

By integrating these simple hacks into your cleaning routine, you’ll find that managing the living room chaos becomes a breeze.

2. The Kitchen: A Hub of Activity and Mess

Why the Kitchen Tops the List

Given its frequent use for cooking and eating, the kitchen is often considered the hardest room to clean. The challenges stem from food residue, grease, and spills that accumulate quickly, making the kitchen the most time-consuming room to clean.

Expert Insight

Sarah Aguirre, a professional organiser and founder of Simplify Simply, emphasises the complexity of cleaning a kitchen. In an interview with, she explains, “The kitchen is typically the room that takes the longest to clean because of all the surfaces, nooks, and crannies that need to be addressed.”

Practical Cleaning Tips

  • Segment the Clean-up: Start by clearing countertops and sinks, then focus on wiping down surfaces.
  • Declutter Regularly: Dispose of expired food items and organise pantry goods.
  • Depend on Routine: Establish a daily and weekly cleaning routine to keep messes from becoming overwhelming.

By following these practical tips and understanding the unique challenges of kitchen cleaning, you can make this daunting task more manageable.

3. The Bathroom: Tackling Mildew and Grime

The Perennial Challenges

Bathrooms are notorious for being tough to clean due to constant moisture, which leads to mold, mildew, and soap scum buildup. The high traffic and varying surfaces make this room particularly challenging.

Essential Cleaning Strategies

  • Daily Maintenance: A quick wipe-down of surfaces can prevent grime accumulation.
  • Deep Cleaning Products: Use specialised cleaners for tiles and grout to tackle tough spots.
  • Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation to minimise mildew and mold growth.

Cleaning the bathroom can feel like a never-ending battle due to the persistent build-up of moisture. Mold and mildew thrive in such conditions, and soap scum on shower doors and tiles only adds to the burden. To effectively maintain a clean bathroom, a combination of daily maintenance and deep cleaning is essential.

For surfaces that often accumulate grime, a daily wipe-down can work wonders in preventing build-up. When it comes time for a deeper clean, you’ll need powerful products specifically designed to target and dissolve tough residues on tiles and grout. Good ventilation is also key—whether through an exhaust fan or opening a window—because it helps to reduce moisture levels, making it less conducive for mold growth.

Integrating these strategies can dramatically cut down on the time and effort required to keep your bathroom in tip-top shape. For more practical tips on cleaning and organising different parts of your home, check out the resources Mobile Skips has to offer.

4. The Bedroom: Clutter and Comfort

The Risk of Untidiness

While the bedroom might not seem difficult to clean, it can quickly become messy with clothes, linens, and various personal items, presenting its own set of challenges.

Organisational Advice

  • Closet Management: Regularly declutter your closet to keep clothing and linens in check. This can help make your bedroom feel more spacious and manageable. If you need expert advice, Mobile Skips offers fantastic tips on decluttering and storage solutions.
  • Minimalist Approach: Adopt a minimalist mindset to reduce the number of items that need organising. Fewer possessions mean less clutter and easier maintenance.
  • Surface Cleaning: Weekends are ideal for quick dusting and vacuuming to keep the space clean and free from allergens. A bit of routine cleaning can significantly reduce the amount of time spent on more thorough cleanups.

One effective strategy to maintain a tidy bedroom is focusing on closet management. You can start by regularly decluttering your wardrobe to ensure that clothes and linens are organised and accessible. This practice helps prevent clothing piles from building up and keeps everything streamlined.

Adopting a minimalist approach can also be incredibly beneficial. Minimalism encourages reducing the number of items in your space, which inherently reduces the amount of stuff that needs organising. You’ll find it easier to maintain a neat and serene environment when you have fewer belongings.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of surface cleaning. Dedicating a small chunk of your weekend to dust and vacuum can significantly enhance the cleanliness and feel of your bedroom. Regular upkeep like this prevents allergens from settling and keeps the room inviting and comfortable.

5. The Living Room: Dust and Disorder

Central Gathering Spot

The living room is often a focal point for family activities, leading to heavy use and potential clutter. Pet hair, dust, and general disorder can make cleaning this room a significant task.

Quick Cleaning Hacks

  • Frequent Dusting: Regular dusting of surfaces, including electronics and furniture, can make a big difference.
  • Furniture Arrangements: Efficiently arrange furniture to make vacuuming easier.
  • Decluttering Routine: Allocate regular time to sort through magazines, toys, and other items. By having a decluttering routine in place, you can prevent the buildup of unnecessary items and keep the living room tidy.

Keeping the living room clean requires consistent effort and organisation, but these quick hacks can simplify the process and help maintain a welcoming space for everyone.

6. The Garage: Often Overlooked

Why It’s Overwhelming

The garage can easily become a dumping ground for tools, sports equipment, and miscellaneous items, leading to overwhelming clutter. Because it serves multiple purposes and is typically out of sight, it’s easy for the mess to build up over time. Piled-up boxes, unused equipment, and random tools can make navigating the garage a real chore, let alone cleaning it.

Expert Tips for Management

Managing a cluttered garage might seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategies, it can be easier than you think. Here are some expert tips to help you organise and clean your garage efficiently:

  • Storage Solutions: Utilising shelving, pegboards, and storage bins can vastly improve the organisation of your garage. By assigning a specific place for each item, you can keep everything from tools to holiday decorations neatly stored and easily accessible.
  • Regular Cleanouts: Plan seasonal cleanouts to dispose of unnecessary items. This doesn’t mean you need to spend entire weekends in the garage; even dedicating an hour or two each season can significantly reduce clutter over time.
  • Zone Organisation: Arrange your garage by zones depending on the type of items stored. For instance, create separate areas for sports equipment, gardening tools, and automotive supplies. This will make it easier to find what you need and keep similar items together.

For more tips on decluttering and effectively managing your garage space, check out the advice from Mobile Skips, a company specialising in hassle-free waste removal and decluttering services. With a strategy in place, your garage can transform from a chaotic storage area into a well-organized, functional space.

By implementing these storage solutions and scheduling regular cleanouts, you’ll find maintaining a tidy garage becomes far more manageable. A clean and organised garage not only makes finding things easier but also allows you to use the space for more than just storage—imagine having room for DIY projects or even fitting your car in there!


Each room in your home presents unique cleaning challenges. The kitchen, due to its heavy use and variety of messes, often tops the list as the hardest room to clean. Bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and garages also require special attention and regular maintenance to stay clean. By adopting expert tips and practical cleaning strategies, you can make the process more manageable and keep your home looking its best.

Additional Resources

By understanding which rooms are the hardest to clean and why, you can strategically tackle these areas for a cleaner, more organised home.