Gardening Tips: Soil Removal Solutions

by | Jan 4, 2021 | News and Articles

Having a green finger can sometimes get you in very untidy situations. Just one day of gardening can make your house look like a terrible accident scene. Apart from the twigs and leaves sticking everywhere, you always have so much soil lying around.

If you get a renovation was done or a small construction in your back yard, you get even more soil from the extraction. And hiding it is a drag.

However, there are several methods that you could use for doing away with any extra soil lying around in your yard. Some of the most convenient, simple, and non-expensive methods are mentioned below.

Sell or just give it away

You may not know this, but there could be plenty of neighbours looking for some good garden soil. As soil is not a very cheap product in the market today, buying high quality and nutrient-rich soil is that not very easy. Therefore, try to contact your friends and family and ask if they need it.

You can also make use of some technology and put the excess soil for advertisement. Several websites allow you to put almost anything on sale and give you high-paying buyers too. You just have to put the product on it and leave the advertising to them.

Before you get on with this option, try to check the quality of soil you have. If you are sure of its high quality, try to sell it away to any local farmer or try some rural localities too. However, if the quality is not very good, give it away for a construction project.

The best part about putting it on such websites is that you don’t have to go and sell it anywhere, all the dealings will take place on that platform only. The buyer will come and get the soil from you.

Recycling fields

If nobody seems to be interested in buying your soil away, you could always take it to the recycling areas of the city. A few years back, these centres used to accept almost every kind of dry dump and waste.

However, now that the population is so high and we are falling short of free lands, the amount of waste to be accepted by such areas has been restricted. Depending on the city you live in, you will have a specified quantity that will be allowed for you to take in.

In case the amount of soil allowed is less than what you want to give away, just pay them the extra charges. Do remember some centres may take high prices for such chores. To make sure you are not being looted, check on the official websites of your city and pay accordingly.

The best way to go about this option is to hire a carrier that will take away all the soil you want to do away with. By doing so, you will not have to worry about loading and unloading the soil and even looking for a place to dump. All the payments and other details will be taken care of at your doorstep only.

Reuse it

One of the best things about your garden soil is that you can always use it for a different project every time. You could be rebuilding your patio and redoing your flower bed. No matter how many times you have used that soil, it is going to help you produce more plants.

Unless and until you have not used any chemicals in that soil, your soil will stay fertile. If you are still not sure about the soil quality, you can always take a test. Make sure to do this before you plant any high maintenance plants in the new area. This will save you time and a lot of energy.

In case the quality of the soil does not come out as very good, try to improve its quality by adding some organic matter to it. You can use blood and bones, uncooked meat, or some manure. This will drastically add quality to the soil, and your new plants will grow out fresh and healthy.

How to make your soil more useful

If you want to improve your soil quality, try composting. It provides several benefits to your garden apart from consuming up the soil. Moreover, this process also uses up a lot of organic waste from your kitchen. Once the process is done, you get fresh and porous soil that could sell up in no time or find use in your flower beds.

This process is simple and can be done in a few simple steps.

Step 1 Collect kitchen waste

It should be kept in mind that all the kitchen waste you use should be uncooked and free of chemicals. For instance, use vegetable peels, rotten fruits, and vegetables, etc. You can even put eggs into this collection.

However, make sure not to put hair as it sometimes disturbs the process.

Step 2 Arrange a pot

Arrange for a big pot with a high capacity. The pot should be strong and should have some holes in it. The pot you choose would be kept out in the open, preferably in the garden only. Therefore, you can also go for a regular garden pot made out of clay.

Step 3 Add soil

Now you need to make different layers of soil and waste into the pot. Start by spreading a layer of your excess garden soil at the base of your pot. Make sure to stir it properly and let oxygen get into it. Now, add one layer of kitchen waste that you collected. Try to keep the thickness equal to that of the soil.

Step 4 Dry leaves

Once done, you have to make the entire system you created a bit aerated so that the chemical reactions get completed. To do so, you can add dry leaves or even newspapers. It is crucial to keep this layer dry. This means the leaves or paper should not have any traces of moisture.

After this, you can put another layer of soil and kitchen waste. Repeat these three layers till your pot is full. Leave it untouched outside for a week or two. Check once after this period, you can even mix the entire system after a while. Soon you will notice airy and high-quality soil in your compost pot.

Make mounds

Mounds are a great way to use up all your excess soil. If you have a garden that is in no need of new flowerbeds or trees and you are scared your fertile soil will go to waste, try going for mounds. Mounds are easy to make if you have the right tools and equipment.

In case you don’t have the right means, you can always ask for professional help. Any landscaping agency can come and do the job for you. Depending on the amount of soil you have, you can get these mounds designed too. Select specific locations in your front or back yard that could be enhanced by doing so.

One simple and inexpensive method is to make these mounds by just using the soil. Once you have collected all the soil in one place, you will now have to put some grass over it. Try to use the same grass being used in the surrounding places.

As growing grass from scratch will take up a lot of time, you can always buy some from the outside. These days, even living readymade grass is available at the store. Just put it on the mound you have created, and you are good to go.

The Bottom Line

Despite you being an expert in gardening, you are always annoyed with how big of a mess your hobby leaves behind. Getting a new construction or excavation at home has now become scary, and getting on your cleaning toes is tiresome.

Therefore, you need some ways that can get you out of this inconvenience easily and quickly. Check out all the ways mentioned above and learn different methods that can help you do away with excess soil. The tips described above explain in detail how and why you should take a certain step.

Moreover, some extra steps have also been explained that can improve the quality of your garden. You can choose any, or all the tips described and get back your clean garden in just a few days. These methods do not require you to call up professional help.

You can always take matters into your own hands and come up with a useful solution for your misery. However, if you are an amateur in your garden and don’t know the right steps to follow for any of these methods, calling for professional help is advisable.

To know more about gardening tips and tricks, click here.


Are you looking for some reliable and effective gardening tips to get rid of unnecessary soil? There are various solutions that can help you achieve the same. While choosing the ideal option for yourself, make sure you keep the environment in mind.

Some of the common and effective options are selling or giving away the soil, recycling fields, or reusing it. You or others in need can use soil as and when needed. You can also go for making mounds. These are some of the basic options and you will be putting the soil to good use.

In case, you are still uncertain as to how to use the soil right away, you can call for an expert. There are professionals who can offer the right gardening guidance.

If you are interested in gaining in-depth knowledge on the topic, check out this article on gardening tips that can help you find the ideal soil removal solution.