Around the world, over 100 countries are under full or partial lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. In Australia, we have strict lockdowns in place to flatten the curve and keep ups safe. It’s easy to start climbing the walls in lockdown, with cabin fever a huge problem for Australians in these difficult times.

You should try to find productive things to do around the house. We know this can be difficult in and of itself, but finding things to do inside during self-isolation can make the time go much quicker and help you stay sane.

We can sympathise with the difficulties you may be facing during these times. We’re working hard to help keep Australia tidy with our skips and to help you out as much as we can.

In this article, we’ll show you some fantastic, productive things to do at home during the lockdown. Ready to find new things to keep yourself occupied with? Then stick around and read on!

1. Declutter Your Home

Are you furloughed or working from home? If you are, now is the perfect time to give your house a spring clean! Houses are often full of clutter that you no longer want or need, so why not go through your junk and make your home cleaner and more organized?

There are some tremendous advantages to decluttering your house. For one, it can clear floor space and make your home seem bigger, perfect for when you’re having to stay inside for most of the day. Cleaning your house can also have great positive effects on your mental and physical health.

Cleaning your house can be a big task and can leave your bin overflowing. The best solution here is to hire one of our skips. Our skips are mobile, lockable and suitable for rubbish of all kinds.

Simply order a skip for same-day delivery, fill it up and have us take it away. Then rest easy with the sense of satisfaction that comes from giving your house a thorough clean.

2. Host a Virtual Dinner Party or Pub Night

Productivity doesn’t only mean work. A lot of our social lives have suffered because of the lockdown and while hosting a video chat might not be the same as popping down to the pub with your mates, it’s the next best thing.

If you’re a dab hand at organizing events, organizing these events are one of the most productive things to do if you’re bored at home.

For the dinner party example, you could pick a group of your friends and choose a meal. Then you’ll each have a crack at making it and share the results via video chat. You could also all choose a bottle of wine to drink with the food and make your night in even better.

As for the pub night, getting on video chat and sharing a beer with your mates is fantastic fun, as we can attest to. If you want to take it a step further, try organizing your own pub quiz like these ones? Take turns being the quizmaster and pool some funds for a prize pot!

3. Get In Shape

It’s tempting to spend all your time during self-isolation on the sofa, watching Netflix and eating snacks. While this is great every so often, you should try to stay in shape during the lockdown. If you’ve not got an exercise routine at the moment, making one is one of the most productive things to do and a habit you can continue once life gets back to normal!

If you’ve got a home gym of any sort, try lifting weights or running on a treadmill. If you’ve not got any exercise equipment, don’t worry! You can still whip yourself into better shape.

Yoga is a fantastic exercise to do at home: all you need is a spare bit of floor space. You can use a yoga mat too if you’ve got one, but if you’ve not, no problem! We’d recommend watching some top Youtube yoga experts find great beginner routines, such as Yoga With Adriene.

Yoga has good effects on anxiety and depression too, which are running high for a lot of Australians at present.

If you don’t fancy giving yoga a try, there are a ton of good bodyweight exercises out there, like planks and pushups, that can help build core strength and cardiovascular fitness. None of these requires any equipment, as they use your body’s weight for resistance training.

4. Visit a Museum From the Comfort of Your Home

If you’re interested in doing something very unique, consider visiting a museum from the comfort of your home. Several museums from around the world have flung open their virtual doors to all-comers, giving you something interesting and educational to do if you’re bored at home.

Some of the best museums with virtual tours and collections include New York’s Museum of Modern Art, the British Museum, and the Guggenheim Museum. Whether you’re interested in archaeological discoveries, art, or a wide range of other fields, we’re sure you can find a museum for it with a virtual tour of one form or another.

5. Read That Book That’s Been Gathering Dust

The number of Australians who read regularly is in decline, with the average Australian reading for just over six hours per week. This means we’re not in the top ten in the world, so why don’t we try and use this lockdown to improve matters?

If you’re anything like us, we’re sure that there is a hefty collection of books on your (virtual or physical) bookshelf that have been gathering dust. Now is the perfect opportunity to crack open a book and explore the world of fiction.

If you don’t have a large collection of books but fancy reading some classics, give Project Gutenberg a go. Project Gutenberg has a collection of more than 60,000 books that are now in the public domain. These include classics like Frankenstein, Dracula and a large collection of Sherlock Holmes stories.

If you’d rather experience stories another way, why not listen to audiobooks? You can find other productive things to do while experiencing a huge selection of stories from around the world. You can buy audiobooks on Audible and there are a lot of free ones on Youtube and the Internet Archive.

6. Start Baking

Bread can be a bit difficult to get in shops during these difficult times. If you’re not able to get your hands on any bread, why not make your own? All you need is flour, yeast, water, and sugar.

Home baking is becoming more popular during the pandemic. Why not join this trend and come out of the other side with a new skill?

If baking isn’t your bag, you could always try brewing your own beer? The brewing process takes around two weeks, and you’ll be left with a delicious homemade brew 8. the end of it. We don’t think that’s a bad deal as far as it goes.

7. Have a Fancy Dress Night

Keeping your kids entertained and happy during self-isolation can be difficult. Why not try throwing a fancy dress night with your whole family? Fashion clothes and pieces of old costumes into new ones and do everything that night in fancy dress.

Theme your evening around a certain topic like pirates, the circus or your family’s favourite Pixar movies. You can come up with party games to play with your family over the night and for dinner with a difference, you can try hosting an indoor picnic. Put a blanket down in your lounge and open up a picnic hamper full of your favourite treats.

8. Join a Mutual Aid Group

While self-isolation is hard on all of us, it’s even harder on the vulnerable members of our community. If you’ve got a chronic illness, a suppressed immune system, or are elderly, the threat of coronavirus is even worse. It comes down to the rest of us to help these vulnerable people out.

There are mutual aid groups across most Australian cities that are offering to go shopping or do chores like gardening for vulnerable members of the community. A lot of these organisations on Facebook community pages, so take a look and see if there’s one in your area.

This is one of the most productive and caring things that you can do to make other people’s lives easier during the pandemic. Think of it as paying it forward.

How We Can Help You With Finding Productive Things to Do

While we might not be able to make you exercise or offer you recipes, we can still help you while you’re finding productive things to do. Our skips are available in two different sizes across a range of Australian towns and cities. Whether you need something for gardening waste or the clutter around your home, we can help you.

The best part is that our waste management policies are focused on protecting the planet. Your waste won’t only go to a landfill.

Take a look at our reviews and see what our existing customers have to say about us! For more information about our prices and services, call us on 1300 675 477 or email